These questions will appear in all precincts in the City of St. Petersburg
City of St. Petersburg
No. 1 Charter Amendment
Rescheduling Municipal Elections to Occur in Conjunction With National and State Elections in Even Years
The City Charter currently requires elections for Mayor and Council Members to occur in odd-numbered years. Shall the Charter be amended to hold those elections in conjunction with national and state elections in even-numbered years beginning in 2024? That change will extend the term of current City elected officials by approximately one year and is intended to increase voter turnout, add early voting at no additional cost, and reduce cost to the City.
City of St. Petersburg
No. 2 Charter Amendment
Changing City Council Residency Requirements to Accommodate Redrawing District Boundaries Through the Redistricting Process
The City Charter establishes residency requirements for City Council candidates and members. Shall those requirements be amended to accommodate redrawing Council district boundaries through the redistricting process and clarify related provisions? That amendment would allow candidates to satisfy the existing residency requirement through a combination of residency within new and previous district boundaries and allow affected members to complete their terms following redistricting as long as they maintain residency within previous or new district boundaries.
City of St. Petersburg
No. 1 Referendum Question
Approving Amendment of City’s 99-year Lease for Dalí Museum to Allow Construction of Expansion
May City Council approve amendment of the 99-year lease of City-owned property used by the Dalí Museum to allow construction of a Museum expansion, subject to conditions in ordinance 512-H? Such conditions address insurance, indemnity, and coordination; operation of the Mahaffey Theater and the Grand Prix; and future development of the surrounding Center for the Arts. Such amendment would not extend the duration of the lease or require City funding for the expansion.
City of St. Petersburg
No. 2 Referendum Question
Providing City Council with the Authority to Grant Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemptions
Shall the City Council of St. Petersburg be authorized to grant, pursuant to s. 3, Art. VII of the State Constitution, property tax exemptions to new businesses and expansions of existing businesses that are expected to create new, full-time jobs in the City of St. Petersburg?